Contact Information
Jl. North Kapuk II No.5, Building A 3rd Floor Kapuk Muara, Networking
+62851 7167 2955
Monday - Saturday
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why is my order late?
apriyanto9april2024-05-14T03:42:10+00:00Your order may be delayed for several reasons, such as bad weather conditions, problems with the delivery service, or high order volume. We do our best to ensure your order arrives on time.
How to cancel an order?
apriyanto9april2024-05-14T03:42:58+00:00To cancel an order, You can visit your orders page in your account and select an option "Cancel Order". If the order has been processed, You may need to wait until the order arrives and return it.
How to change orders?
apriyanto9april2024-05-14T03:43:34+00:00You can change your order by logging into your account and visiting the order page. Select the order you want to change and follow the instructions to edit items or shipping information.
How to track orders?
apriyanto9april2024-05-14T03:44:01+00:00You can track your order by entering the tracking number sent to your email on our order tracking page. You can also view the order status through your account.
How to get a refund?
apriyanto9april2024-05-14T03:44:25+00:00To get a refund, visit the returns page on our site and follow the instructions to submit a return request. After the goods are received and checked, Refunds will be processed according to our policy.